ISME 2024
The 19th International Symposium on Management Engineering (ISME 2024) |
October 4-6, 2024 in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. |
Surrogate Assisted Approaches for Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms
Meta-heuristic Optimization Algorithms have been shown to be useful for the optimization of engineering applications. However, the computational complexity of the Meta-heuristic Optimization Algorithms cause the limitations for the real time applications of the engineering area. There are several research issues to improve the efficiency of the Meta-heuristic Optimization Algorithms including the hardware implementation and the application of the surrogate assisted models. This talk will focus on the introduction of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for continuous, discrete, binary and categorical data optimization problems. The surrogate assisted optimization algorithms such as the surrogate assisted models selection, the combination of the Meta-heuristic Optimization Algorithm with the surrogate assisted models will be introduced. The three major branches of the surrogate assisted optimization algorothms, for example the sampling scheme, the simplified fitness function and the dimension decomposition will also be discussed.
Jeng-Shyang Pan received the B. S. degree in Electronic Engineering from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology in 1986, the M.S. degree in communication engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, in 1988, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Edinburgh, U.K. in 1996. He is currently a Professor with the School of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China. He is also the Adjunct Professor in Shandong University of Science and Technology. He has published more than 500 papers indexed by SCI, the H-index is 74 and the total cited times are more than 23,000. He is the IET Fellow, UK and has been the Tainan Chapter Chair of IEEE Signal Processing Society and the Vice Chair of IEEE Tainan Section. His current research interests include wireless sensor network, computational intelligence, and image signal processing.
Crips vs Soft Computing in AI driven control systems
It is now evident that AI contributes radically new and extraordinary capabilities to the products, processes, and strategies of individuals, organizations, social entities and the broader economy. Corvinus University of Budapest has termed this phenomenon ``AI Transformation'' in 2023, recognising it as the next step in the evolution of digital transformation. One of the primary obstacles of AI Transformation is the lack of trustworthiness surrounding the key capabilities of AI solutions, which mostly stems from the lack of Provable AI outcomes. Therefore, the keynote presentation introduces a groundbreaking, fundamental methodology that offers mathematically provable evidence for the stability and performance of AI-driven control solutions, with the goal of replacing today's experience-based evaluations, which are insufficient in control design. The challenge in proving the stability and performance of AI controllers arises from their fundamentally different mathematical formulations of Neural Network compared to those used in modern system control analysis, (e.g. convex optimisation or Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) based methods). These mathematical formalism are rather incompatible. The keynote lecture will introduce a transformation methodology capable of transforming the Neural Network representation to an alternative representation that is very common in system control design and analysis.
Peter Baranyi was born in 1970 and earned his M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Education in 1994. In 1999, he obtained his Ph.D. in Informatics. He defended his title of Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2006. That same year, he was inducted as a member of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering. He held prestigious research positions abroad. Among these, he spent one year at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), one year - in total - at both Tokyo University and the Gifu Research Institute (Japan), and additional tenures at various esteemed universities in the UK, EU and Australia.
He has published approximately 110 journal papers and four monographs with international scientific publishers that received about 9000 citations leading h-index 50. His research accomplishments have been recognized with 15 scientific awards. Notably, he received the Kimura Prize from the Asian Control Society, the Sigma Xi Award from the Canadian/International Group, the International Dennis Gabor Award, and the Bolyai Memorial Award.
He invented the TP model transformation (in collaboration with Y. Yam), that, actually, defines a new concept, the higher-order singular value decomposition of continuous functions. This innovation plays a crucial role in nonlinear control design theories. It has been demonstrated that TP model transformation is a necessary additional step to Linear Matrix Inequality-based optimization (a key method in modern control theory) to achieve optimal solutions. Furthermore, it has opened ways to new concepts in nonlinear control design and optimization. In 2022, one of his paper about the TP model transfromation was highlighted as the advanced research of the month, selected from among seven IEEE Transactions journals (CIS).
Trust as a Financial Value
Trust as a Financial Value JEL Code : A13, D46, G4, G12, G33 Keywords : Trust; Finance; Asset; Government; Financial System; Valuation Submitted January 2022; Accepted April 2023 * Distinguished Professor of Finance and Chairman, Indian Institute of Finance, Plot No. 45A, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201310, INDIA. ** Professor and Director, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed-to-be-University) Institute of Management and Research (BVIMR), A-4, Paschim Vihar, Delhi, 110063, INDIA. *** Professor and Dean (Academics, MDP & Training), Indian Institute of Finance, Plot No. 45A, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201310, INDIA. **** Director and Dean (International Relations), Indian Institute of Finance, Plot No. 45A, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201310, INDIA. I. Introduction “TO EARN TRUST, money and power aren't enough; you have to show some concern for others. You can't buy trust in the supermarket.” said His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Jaffe, 2018). A currency note (or money) issued by any central bank or king or monetary authority gains it value in the minds of the citizens or even the market traders based on the Trust - Promise it bears and the reputation the said country / central bank endows in it. Trust is a highly valuable asset that can either make or break. Trust is as fragile as Abstract Trust is an essential element of every relationship. It has the ability to create value from processes, products, services and relationships. The value is well placed in the financial system where we trust the governments and central banks. The entire financial system is based on trust which creates financial value for all. Similarly all function of the organisation whether marketing, finance, production, human resources are all based on the ability of the trust they generate with the stakeholders through their processes and the reflective learning people gain through their interactions. Trust can be built and can pay rich dividend in the form of higher sales, higher salaries, commitments of employees, partners, children, goodwill and others. One is willing to place a value financially to trust in terms of the premium one pays for the next best alternative. The study in a methodological method builds on Trust and its financial value well recognised but not acknowledged in the literature and teachings of life and management. The study explores how Trust can be build and changes over time. It also explores the mathematical experiments in defining trusts and provides for the means for valuation.
AGARWAL, Aman (India) has been felicitated by being Enthroned to Chair position of the St. Emillion Brotherhood (from 8 th Century AD) by the Heritage City of Bordeaux, France (28 June 2007). A special Honour and Privilege given to World figures in Business, Arts and Science. He is honoured with “ISME Life Fellow” Award by Waseda University International Society for Management Engineers, Japan (25 Oct 2014; 10 Dec 2019). He is felicitated by nomination for Honorary Doctorate of Finance by University of Cergy-Pontoise Thema, France (2007) and Honorary Professorship as Professor of Uzbekistan by Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan (in 2002), a 90 years old prestigious university in Uzbekistan (estd. 1931) and “United Nations REX Karmaveer Global Fellowship” and “Karmaveer Chakra Award” by United Nations and iCongo, India (27 Nov 2019) in recognition of his contribution to academics and literature. He is also bestowed with “Honorary Professor Diploma” by “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad in Romania (12 Nov 2019). He has studied at illustrious Institutions like Delhi University, Indian Institute of Finance, London School of Economics; Columbia University. He has pursued a specialized program in Finance on Options, Futures; Other Derivatives from London School of Economics and the joint Japan/World Bank initiated Senior Executive Program in Economic Policy Management (PEPM) from Columbia University at SIPA; has had a short stint at The World Bank in Washington DC, USA.
He is heading as Professor of Finance, Dean (International Relations) and Director (Rektor) at INDIAN INSTITUTE OF FINANCE. He is editing the quarterly refereed journal of finance - FINANCE INDIA as its Executive Editor. He has served as Director at IIF BUSINESS SCHOOL [GGS Indraprastha University] from 1999-2010, Editorial Board member/Co-Editor of The Empirical Economics Letters; Research in Financial Economics; Global Finance Journal; Les Cahiers de la Recherche ISC; Euro-Mediterranean Economics and Finance Review; Research in Quantitative Finance and Business Management; the Journal of Financial; Risk Management Asia Pacific Journal of Finance and Banking Research; Global Journal of Finance and Banking and the Journal of Entrepreneurship. Prof. Agarwal has also been honored as the Honorary Member on the distinguished Research Board of Advisors of the American Bibliographical Institute Inc. (ABI), USA (estd. in 1967). He is invited Consulting Editor of The Contemporary Who's Who, a Member MAC of Singapore Tourism Board (STB), Government of SINGAPORE (2004-08); as Nominated Board Member on the The Association of Banking and Finance, Switzerland; Italy; a board member on Global Finance Association, USA; member Advisory Board of International Masters in Quantitative Finance Program (Serbia-Montenegro); The Certificate in Finance Programs (Serbia-Montenegro); South European Center for Contemporary Finance (Serbia-Montenegro); Distinguished Visiting Research Scholar/Professor at Australian National University (2005-07); ASSOCHAM Nominated board member on the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) MSD4 (2008-); Convener MSD4:4 on Risk; Resilience (2018-); GNDU VC Nominated Expert on Research Academic Committee of Commerce (2019-21); PhD Research Academic Committee (University School of Financial Studies) of Guru Nanak Dev University (India) ; Executive Council member on Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2007-); the Regional Council Governing Body member of Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, India (2006-09). Prof. Agarwal is an External Examiner for Doctoral Dissertation at Victoria University (Australia); Rajshahi University (Bangladesh); VIT University (India); Guru Nanak Dev University (India); Pondicherry University (India) and has been empaneled at various others Worldwide.